Monday, May 19, 2014

May 12, 2014

Okay guys.. Man i dont ever know where to begin. Wel i got my new trainer! Elder Borup. Hes a cool quiet kid from Utah and hes got 9 months on the mission. But im grateful for the guy! So i cant lie i really miss Elder Adams. Its been kinda sad without him since he was my first trainer! But so now im basically leading the Sector of Dalcahue! Its a lot on the plate of a 6 week old baby in the mission. Im trying to be as productive as i can be but im pretty worried about doing the Lords will and not mine! I just hope i dont leave the broom. But this week Hectors dad is gonna get back from the ocean and we are gonna dunk him!!! We had 27 people in church and it was a great meeting. When Elder Adams was here i kinda just sat behind him and let him do everything. Now i gotta man up and do it and the Lord no doubt has blessed me. All of the sudden i can speak to everyone and understand people way more than i could. I am so beyong grateful for this opertunity that i have and how the Lord trusts me. I have grown up so much in these past 3 months its insane. I feel like ive aged 5 years!!! But theres no way i could go without saying how extremely proud i am of Courtney Dolph for deciding to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized!!!! I am so thankful for the missionary work and for her impact on the lives of the people in my family. Especially mine!!! Shes doin great. Anyways im gonna go murk it out here and pray for the best because i know there is work to do!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! And i know that our Heavenly Father does too. And if you will humble yourself and ask him for the help that you need he will give you more than you could every need. Keep it real, ill write soon! Love your Elder Watson!!! I also talked to this drunk man who told me aliens planted us here and they are gonna be back for the harvest soon!! So everyone watch out!! hahaha

Welcome Elder Borup!! Let's go get 'em!

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