Monday, May 19, 2014

March 11, 2014
Whats up guys! So This week was pretty cool!! It went by super fast though! I leave for Chile in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!! Insane haha. But i had an amazing birthday It was great so many people got me stuff from the tienda and sang to me at breakfast lunch and dinner lol. I love all the people here they are great!!!!!!!!!!! Im doing pretty good with the language and teaching. My teachers have me teach the class the language lessons like twice a week so thats cool! Im already anxious to get into the field but im nervous for how fast the Chilanos speak! That first sunday is gonna be wild haha. I met an elder that is going to the same exact mission that my dad went on. Elder Gore, hes super cool and one of my best friends. I had a little scuffle with two huge Polynesian kids. YEESH. But its all good my face is still pretty! We find some ways to have good fun here. The other night we were shooting fruit from a home made sling shot into mexico city lol. Im blessed to have such amazing friends and family back home you guys are awesome! I cant wait to hear where Jack is going and be his senior companion is Chile lol! I dont remember if i wrote home about this already but i have given a talk in sacrament meating, given my testimony, and blessed the sacrament! Its pretty cool to do all the stuff in espaƱol. But other than that a pretty normal week!! Not to much happened but im just learning and growing every day! I hope that everyone back home is doing great ill keep you in my prayers! Love you guys


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