Monday, May 19, 2014

March 4, 2014
Whats up fam!!!!

So its kinda amazing all the things that can happen in one week!! Especially on a mission. Each and every day is going by faster and faster!! Its kinda sad i only have 99 weeks left on my mission lol. But i love it here. Its been a pretty hard week because of what happened back home but every person here has been so good to me. Its amazing to think about the plan of salvation and to know without a doubt i will see my grandma again. This week i have grown quite a bit! So last P-Day at night one of my buddies went home. Elder Orecutt. One of the saddest moments of my life and one i probably wont ever forget. He just came up to me crying and gave me a tie and said "Im gonna miss you Cutt" I know i told him my first name but i didnt mean to lol. But i think he made the right decision for him. Anyways volleyball here is sooooo fun!!! I literally smash on everybody haha. So teaching two new investigators this week my companion and i committed them both to be baptized!! Its such an amazing experience to see that light in someones eyes and feel that they can feel that this amazing church is true. I know without any doubt in the world that this church is the true church and that the Book of Mormon can and does help people have happier lives. I cant wait to be in Chile and to help people come to understand that in real life!!!!! So my companion and i get along really well now!! I just decided he is JUST like Cort lol. He says everything like him but just in a quite calm voice. It cracks me up. So weird to think im halfway done with mu CCM experience. Its going by too fast. But i love all of you guys and i hope that you are all doing well. Ive been praying like crazy for all of you. Keep it real and i will write next week!!

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