Monday, May 19, 2014

March 18, 2014
The time is already going by to fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week was so amazing! So much stuff has happened and its just another week that i have learned so much. Its crazy to me that i will be in Osorno in less than a week!!!! When i first got here i never would have thought in a million years i would be sad to leave. But i cant lie i am going to miss it here. Ive had the great opportunity of getting to be great friends with some amazing missionaries and teachers. My Spanish is coming along so well!! I can pretty much talk to anyone and hold a conversation! I love chattin with the Latinos and laughing with them! Of course this is how i feel now but then when i get into the field im not gonna understand a single word lol. But thats what the Spirit is for. Speaking of the Spirit I was just crying reading everybody's emails. I am so happy for all of you guys and i pray for you all multiple times a day. Its so true how the Lord blesses families of missionaries. Love you all. So this week i had one of my best friends from high school , Justine, Tell me that she has a baptism date, My brother get his mission call to Japan and another friend get his call to my mission! I AM SO BLESSED I CANT TAKE IT. I literally cannot wait another second to get out into the field and help bring people into this gospel. It has brought so much happiness into my life. LASTING HAPPINESS. I love it so much. Okay guys i think i get to email right before i leave for Chile so i will hit you guys up then!!!! Have an amazing week guys love you all. The pictures are guys in my district and my Zone!


March 24, 2014
Hey guys im off to Chile in about 9 hours!!!! I will write you all when i get there and i love you all!!! Cant wait for the real work!!!!


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