Monday, May 19, 2014

April 7, 2014
Whats up guys!!!! Okay so this week has kinda crazy and wild and fun and sad and frustrating and angrifying and happy and spiritual and ahhhh!!!! Okay so first and foremost i died in the earthquake slash Tsunami combo.... JK I didnt even know that there was an earthquake until you guys all told me haha and the Tusnami didnt even cause a wave on my beach!!! But the people here in Dalcahue are super receptive and we are working on some pretty awesome families right now!! I have been really strugglin this week with not being able to express myself but i am doing better and am trying to just be positive!! So this week I had various accounts of talking to drunk people that were actually very nice people!!! Everyone tells me that i speak the language great for only being here for 2 weeks but i just wanna be fluent already. I love you guys so much and i love hearing from you all more than i should!!! I think i am being a little more negative than i should be because i need to just shut up and be thankful that i am in Chile and that i have this amazing experience right now. But i couldnt even watch general conference in english this weekend because they couldnt connect to the internet and it was lame. I read 30 chapters in the Book of Mormon though!!! Everyone keep praying for me and i will try and have some cooler stories for the next week! Sorry this week was kinda lame but i just feel like we didnt really do much. But I love you guys and i miss you and ill keep praying for you! But keep praying for me too cause your boy needs it lol!!! Chao!!!!


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