Monday, May 19, 2014

March 31, 2014

Okay so so many things have happened this week i dont think im gonna be able to fit them all in!!! Okay so the flight from Mexico to Chile was 9 hours long and i was in the middle row inbetween two men and everyone was watching cool new movies that just came out and i was just trying to be an obediant missionary and not watch them!!! But then we got to Chile and got onto another plane to fly down to Puerto Monte. Then there we met the mission pres and his wife and all the AP's. I specifically remember meeting Elder Adams. But then we got onto a bus and drove towards the mission pres house. Our bus broke down lol. What a good way to start the mission right!? We got onto another bus and finally got to the mission home. We ate lasagna which was the first good hot meal i had had in about 6 weeks so i was stoked!! Then we had interviews with the mission pres. Pres Rappleye started talking to me and then he told me that i am going to be opening up a whole brand new sector!!!!!!!!!!!! So i am in Dalcahue, ChiloƩ, Chile right now!! There havent been missionaries here in forever and now they are opening up a church here!!! So my companion wouldnt you know, is Elder Adams, one of the AP's!!! Right when he told me that i was gonna be opening Dalcahue i felt the spirit so strong! Like yeah this is it this is why i am here!!! So there are only about 11,000 people in the whole town and there are 5 member families haha. So that was cool and then we drove to our house in Dalcahue the next morning! We took a bus that drove onto a farey that boated us to our island lol. Btw ChiloƩ is an island. So we got there and our house is cool and bif but we dont have wood to burn so im literally so cald all the time. Its only not rained one day since ive been here and that was today lol. But that next morning i went to momita's house to eat lunch. Every missionary here has a momita that feeds them lunch. So here we pretty much only eat lunch and then like bread or something for breakfast and dinner. But momita is so nice and her kids are the cutest things ever. After they fed us the first time we read a scripture with them and i was just sitting there not knowing anything that is going on at all, then my comp was like do you have anything to add? So i just told them how very grateful i am for them. Momita fed her kids like half a spoonful and us like a heeping plateful. I started crying just telling them how thankful i am for them. But yeah my weeks has been pretty much me walking around with my comp and me just like not knowing anything whatsoever lol. I DONT KNOW SPANISH I THOUGHT I DID BUT I SO DONT. Everyone here talks so dang fast, they cut their words off, they dont pronounce their S's, and they put po at the end of all their words. Like Sipo, Nopo, Claropo. AHHHH!!! But it has been a blast already!! I have had a few "Holy Crap im walking down the streets of Dalcahue Chile right now this is wild" moments for sure. One in particular with this couple we were teaching in the campo (the country) a little but i was sitting in their tiny house drinking this awful tea out of a cup that hasnt been washed in about 4 years and the Chilean woman was just like screaming at us and i was just like woah did i sign up for this!?? But yeah i did lol. I threw down some baptismal invites but no luck yet. But the ward here is pretty small! Not including the Elders there were 21 people in church this week! WHOOO!!! But they are gonna work hard with us and im stoked. Anyways i love that i am having this experience! Well i actually hate that its happeing and its extremely frustrating not knowing spanish but im just thankful for the oppertunity to grow! I love all you guys and i love to hear from you all and im so happy that you are all doing so well!! Keep up the good work and pray for me to be blessed with the gift of tongues!! LOL But we have some pretty dope families lined up to teach and are ready to get crackin with the members. Now if only we had wood! I can see my breath in my house all the time lol. But anyways You all with be hearing from me soon!! Love you all and ill write next lunes!

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