Monday, May 19, 2014

April 14, 2014




Okay guys so this week was about 83 times better!!! I realized that last week i was being selfish and focusing on myself and so after monday last week i was like im just gonna grow up and focus on everyone else except for me. So thats what i did going into this week and wouldnt you know it was a great week!!!! We had a ton of fun. My companion Elder Adams is just like Cash Money Watson himself.This guy makes me laugh so hard every single day. And he also works well with the spirit so i am so grateful for him!!! There were 2 seperate occasion where he was almost killed by dogs and they both almost made me pee my pants i laughed so dang hard lolool. But so this week a family that we are working with started to show some real legit progress and started reading the Book of Mormon!!!!!!!!! I was so happy for them and when they told me that i was just filled with joy because i know how that book can change someones life!!! Also yesterday we were going to have a fireside in our little casa church and our investigators flaked on is so we invited two other missionaries who came and then our mommita. So elder Adams and i were like we gotta get someone in here so we go into the street and find this guy and he comes in and just likes starts to direct the fireside lol! So hes talking like conducting and then hes like okay im gonna come back next week and im not gonna be drunk.. Well not this drunk hahaha!! Then when he leaves he kisses one of the other missionaries haha. But im glad for this oppertunity and for all the struggles that i have. Like having 1 family that is mormon that lives in the city and that doesnt like us and it not willing to help out. But thats why im here i guess to strengthen the kingdom in Dalcahue!!!! I love this work and i love the Lord and im thankful for all the support that i recieve from you all!! Its crazy that when i go into a lesson i can understand perfectly what is going on and what people are saying to me. The spirit is helping your boy out haha. I love you guys and i pray for you all the time!! let me know if there is anything that i can do for you!!! Ill write next week!!

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