Monday, May 19, 2014

May 5, 2014

This week was a ROLLER COASTER!!

Even though i have never even ridden one i am guessing that this is what it is like, plus its just a metaphore you know? But anyways this week while walking down the 18 de Septiembre this long dirt road my companion told me that hes not going to be finishing training me. His 2 years is up and hes actually going home tomorrow. I didnt believe him and fought him on it for about 25 minutes and then he finnaly convinced me and its true. Hes leaving. Idk what is up with me but ive been such a special case in the mission! Opening a new sector and then having 2 different trainers! I hope that ill just be able to learn from it and make the most out of the trust that the mission prez is giving me! But this week was such a blast. Im not gonna lie i still cannot understand these Chilotes but im getting there! Ahorra soy mas Chilote que las papas!! Now im more chilean than the potatoes lol. Thats what they say. But theres been some cool people that we taught this week ecpecially Bernardo. This cat man hes been drunk the past 2 times we went over there and then this time he was like super sober and he had read the ENTIRE Restoration folleto with his wife!!! He listened to what we taught him and he was super into it and so was his wife! We asked her to pray at the end and she just started balling in her prayer! Im excited to teach them more this week with my new trainer lol. But Hector Barrientos is on schedule to get baptized this weekend if all goes well!! I am so blessed to be able to be here in Dalcahue its unreal guys! Love you all and ill be seeing a lot of you on mothers day!! Keep it real up there in the northern hemisphere! Plus guys ive put on some Kilos and this might be a real reason... Sopapinas with marmellado yummmmm

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