Monday, May 19, 2014

April 21, 2014


Okay so opeing up a sector in a mission that has never had missionaries in it before certainly has its trials that come along with it!!!! But i am very greatful to be able to experince these trials and to learn and to grow from them! So one of the many cool things that happened this week was that i got to teach with my mission president and his wife this week!!!! It was honestly one of the coolest experinces ever that man is a great man! Elder Adams my companion said even when he was the AP he never taught with President Rappleye! But then we were using this list called the Rescate that has all the members in ChiloƩ on it and we found this one family. La familia Barrientos! The two parents are members and they have one 15 year old son who is not a member and another 4 year old son. We taught the son and he accepted a baptismal date for the 10th of May!! This sunday they came and it was their first time coming to church in over 20 years!! After Church we went and visited them and the parents were like hey guys Hector has great news! He told us that he loved church and that he is excited and really wants to be baptized on the 10th. How great is that! Reactivating member and finding people while doing it! Then with the same list we found Ricardo whos is also less active but didnt know there was a church now. We could just tell that he needed help and that he was beyond relieved to have the Elders in his house. But its been a pretty good week here in Dalcahue and i love you guys! So happy to hear that everyone is doing good and loving life in the good old Promised Land. Let me just tell you what I took the United States of America for granted. I will be coming home super patriotic lol. Love everyone and i will write next week! Keep it real. Oh wait one more story! So on sunday it was raining pretty good outside and i was like Elder lets say a pray that it will stop raining at 9:30 so that the members can come to church at 10. We said a prayer and when 9:30 rolled around not a single drop of rain fell from the sky... Then at 9:32 it started to rain very hard lol. But i am just grateful that the Lord answered my prayer and let me have my 2 minutes without rain:)

Check out that double rainbow action!

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